curl -X GET\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.NFTDataApi;
import java.util.*;
public class NFTDataApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
NFTDataApi apiInstance = new NFTDataApi();
String term = term_example; // String | A user entered search term
String owner = owner_example; // String | An asset owner to filter by
String collection = collection_example; // String | A collection to filter by
String schema = schema_example; // String | A schema to filter by
String tags = tags_example; // String | A list of tags to filter by
Integer limit = 56; // Integer | Limit of results
Integer offset = 56; // Integer | Offset of results to start from
Integer minMint = 56; // Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by
Integer maxMint = 56; // Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by
BigDecimal minAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by
BigDecimal maxAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by
Boolean recent = true; // Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day
String verified = verified_example; // String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all)
Boolean favorites = true; // Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user
Boolean backed = true; // Boolean | Filter by backed assets
String contract = contract_example; // String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets
String user = user_example; // String | User executing the query
String orderBy = orderBy_example; // String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc
Boolean exactSearch = true; // Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term
String searchType = searchType_example; // String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner)
String attributes = attributes_example; // String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5
String only = only_example; // String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets
String rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol
String rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract
try {
array[asset] result = apiInstance.apiAssetsGet(term, owner, collection, schema, tags, limit, offset, minMint, maxMint, minAverage, maxAverage, recent, verified, favorites, backed, contract, user, orderBy, exactSearch, searchType, attributes, only, rwaxSymbol, rwaxContract);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling NFTDataApi#apiAssetsGet");
import io.swagger.client.api.NFTDataApi;
public class NFTDataApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
NFTDataApi apiInstance = new NFTDataApi();
String term = term_example; // String | A user entered search term
String owner = owner_example; // String | An asset owner to filter by
String collection = collection_example; // String | A collection to filter by
String schema = schema_example; // String | A schema to filter by
String tags = tags_example; // String | A list of tags to filter by
Integer limit = 56; // Integer | Limit of results
Integer offset = 56; // Integer | Offset of results to start from
Integer minMint = 56; // Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by
Integer maxMint = 56; // Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by
BigDecimal minAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by
BigDecimal maxAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by
Boolean recent = true; // Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day
String verified = verified_example; // String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all)
Boolean favorites = true; // Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user
Boolean backed = true; // Boolean | Filter by backed assets
String contract = contract_example; // String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets
String user = user_example; // String | User executing the query
String orderBy = orderBy_example; // String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc
Boolean exactSearch = true; // Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term
String searchType = searchType_example; // String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner)
String attributes = attributes_example; // String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5
String only = only_example; // String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets
String rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol
String rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract
try {
array[asset] result = apiInstance.apiAssetsGet(term, owner, collection, schema, tags, limit, offset, minMint, maxMint, minAverage, maxAverage, recent, verified, favorites, backed, contract, user, orderBy, exactSearch, searchType, attributes, only, rwaxSymbol, rwaxContract);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling NFTDataApi#apiAssetsGet");
String *term = term_example; // A user entered search term (optional)
String *owner = owner_example; // An asset owner to filter by (optional)
String *collection = collection_example; // A collection to filter by (optional)
String *schema = schema_example; // A schema to filter by (optional)
String *tags = tags_example; // A list of tags to filter by (optional)
Integer *limit = 56; // Limit of results (optional)
Integer *offset = 56; // Offset of results to start from (optional)
Integer *minMint = 56; // Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
Integer *maxMint = 56; // Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
BigDecimal *minAverage = 1.2; // Minimum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
BigDecimal *maxAverage = 1.2; // Maximum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
Boolean *recent = true; // Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day (optional)
String *verified = verified_example; // Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all) (optional)
Boolean *favorites = true; // Filter favorited templates by user (optional)
Boolean *backed = true; // Filter by backed assets (optional)
String *contract = contract_example; // Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets (optional)
String *user = user_example; // User executing the query (optional)
String *orderBy = orderBy_example; // What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc (optional)
Boolean *exactSearch = true; // When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term (optional)
String *searchType = searchType_example; // Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner) (optional)
String *attributes = attributes_example; // Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5 (optional)
String *only = only_example; // Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets (optional)
String *rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; // Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol (optional)
String *rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; // Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract (optional)
NFTDataApi *apiInstance = [[NFTDataApi alloc] init];
[apiInstance apiAssetsGetWith:term
completionHandler: ^(array[asset] output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var WaxNftApi = require('wax_nft_api');
var api = new WaxNftApi.NFTDataApi()
var opts = {
'term': term_example, // {{String}} A user entered search term
'owner': owner_example, // {{String}} An asset owner to filter by
'collection': collection_example, // {{String}} A collection to filter by
'schema': schema_example, // {{String}} A schema to filter by
'tags': tags_example, // {{String}} A list of tags to filter by
'limit': 56, // {{Integer}} Limit of results
'offset': 56, // {{Integer}} Offset of results to start from
'minMint': 56, // {{Integer}} Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by
'maxMint': 56, // {{Integer}} Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by
'minAverage': 1.2, // {{BigDecimal}} Minimum average price of an asset to filter by
'maxAverage': 1.2, // {{BigDecimal}} Maximum average price of an asset to filter by
'recent': true, // {{Boolean}} Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day
'verified': verified_example, // {{String}} Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all)
'favorites': true, // {{Boolean}} Filter favorited templates by user
'backed': true, // {{Boolean}} Filter by backed assets
'contract': contract_example, // {{String}} Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets
'user': user_example, // {{String}} User executing the query
'orderBy': orderBy_example, // {{String}} What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc
'exactSearch': true, // {{Boolean}} When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term
'searchType': searchType_example, // {{String}} Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner)
'attributes': attributes_example, // {{String}} Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5
'only': only_example, // {{String}} Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets
'rwaxSymbol': rwaxSymbol_example, // {{String}} Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol
'rwaxContract': rwaxContract_example // {{String}} Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.apiAssetsGet(opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class apiAssetsGetExample
public void main()
var apiInstance = new NFTDataApi();
var term = term_example; // String | A user entered search term (optional)
var owner = owner_example; // String | An asset owner to filter by (optional)
var collection = collection_example; // String | A collection to filter by (optional)
var schema = schema_example; // String | A schema to filter by (optional)
var tags = tags_example; // String | A list of tags to filter by (optional)
var limit = 56; // Integer | Limit of results (optional)
var offset = 56; // Integer | Offset of results to start from (optional)
var minMint = 56; // Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
var maxMint = 56; // Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
var minAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
var maxAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
var recent = true; // Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day (optional)
var verified = verified_example; // String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all) (optional)
var favorites = true; // Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user (optional)
var backed = true; // Boolean | Filter by backed assets (optional)
var contract = contract_example; // String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets (optional)
var user = user_example; // String | User executing the query (optional)
var orderBy = orderBy_example; // String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc (optional)
var exactSearch = true; // Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term (optional)
var searchType = searchType_example; // String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner) (optional)
var attributes = attributes_example; // String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5 (optional)
var only = only_example; // String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets (optional)
var rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol (optional)
var rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract (optional)
array[asset] result = apiInstance.apiAssetsGet(term, owner, collection, schema, tags, limit, offset, minMint, maxMint, minAverage, maxAverage, recent, verified, favorites, backed, contract, user, orderBy, exactSearch, searchType, attributes, only, rwaxSymbol, rwaxContract);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling NFTDataApi.apiAssetsGet: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiNFTDataApi();
$term = term_example; // String | A user entered search term
$owner = owner_example; // String | An asset owner to filter by
$collection = collection_example; // String | A collection to filter by
$schema = schema_example; // String | A schema to filter by
$tags = tags_example; // String | A list of tags to filter by
$limit = 56; // Integer | Limit of results
$offset = 56; // Integer | Offset of results to start from
$minMint = 56; // Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by
$maxMint = 56; // Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by
$minAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by
$maxAverage = 1.2; // BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by
$recent = true; // Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day
$verified = verified_example; // String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all)
$favorites = true; // Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user
$backed = true; // Boolean | Filter by backed assets
$contract = contract_example; // String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets
$user = user_example; // String | User executing the query
$orderBy = orderBy_example; // String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc
$exactSearch = true; // Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term
$searchType = searchType_example; // String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner)
$attributes = attributes_example; // String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5
$only = only_example; // String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets
$rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol
$rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; // String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract
try {
$result = $api_instance->apiAssetsGet($term, $owner, $collection, $schema, $tags, $limit, $offset, $minMint, $maxMint, $minAverage, $maxAverage, $recent, $verified, $favorites, $backed, $contract, $user, $orderBy, $exactSearch, $searchType, $attributes, $only, $rwaxSymbol, $rwaxContract);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling NFTDataApi->apiAssetsGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::NFTDataApi;
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::NFTDataApi->new();
my $term = term_example; # String | A user entered search term
my $owner = owner_example; # String | An asset owner to filter by
my $collection = collection_example; # String | A collection to filter by
my $schema = schema_example; # String | A schema to filter by
my $tags = tags_example; # String | A list of tags to filter by
my $limit = 56; # Integer | Limit of results
my $offset = 56; # Integer | Offset of results to start from
my $minMint = 56; # Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by
my $maxMint = 56; # Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by
my $minAverage = 1.2; # BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by
my $maxAverage = 1.2; # BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by
my $recent = true; # Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day
my $verified = verified_example; # String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all)
my $favorites = true; # Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user
my $backed = true; # Boolean | Filter by backed assets
my $contract = contract_example; # String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets
my $user = user_example; # String | User executing the query
my $orderBy = orderBy_example; # String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc
my $exactSearch = true; # Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term
my $searchType = searchType_example; # String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner)
my $attributes = attributes_example; # String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5
my $only = only_example; # String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets
my $rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example; # String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol
my $rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example; # String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract
eval {
my $result = $api_instance->apiAssetsGet(term => $term, owner => $owner, collection => $collection, schema => $schema, tags => $tags, limit => $limit, offset => $offset, minMint => $minMint, maxMint => $maxMint, minAverage => $minAverage, maxAverage => $maxAverage, recent => $recent, verified => $verified, favorites => $favorites, backed => $backed, contract => $contract, user => $user, orderBy => $orderBy, exactSearch => $exactSearch, searchType => $searchType, attributes => $attributes, only => $only, rwaxSymbol => $rwaxSymbol, rwaxContract => $rwaxContract);
print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling NFTDataApi->apiAssetsGet: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.NFTDataApi()
term = term_example # String | A user entered search term (optional)
owner = owner_example # String | An asset owner to filter by (optional)
collection = collection_example # String | A collection to filter by (optional)
schema = schema_example # String | A schema to filter by (optional)
tags = tags_example # String | A list of tags to filter by (optional)
limit = 56 # Integer | Limit of results (optional)
offset = 56 # Integer | Offset of results to start from (optional)
minMint = 56 # Integer | Minimum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
maxMint = 56 # Integer | Maximum mint number of an asset to filter by (optional)
minAverage = 1.2 # BigDecimal | Minimum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
maxAverage = 1.2 # BigDecimal | Maximum average price of an asset to filter by (optional)
recent = true # Boolean | Filter by templates recently sold within the last month, hour, week or day (optional)
verified = verified_example # String | Filter by verification level: verified, unverified, all or blacklisted (excluded from all) (optional)
favorites = true # Boolean | Filter favorited templates by user (optional)
backed = true # Boolean | Filter by backed assets (optional)
contract = contract_example # String | Filter by asset contract, eg simpleassets or atomicassets (optional)
user = user_example # String | User executing the query (optional)
orderBy = orderBy_example # String | What to sort by and in which direction, like date_desc, template_id_asc (optional)
exactSearch = true # Boolean | When given a search term, search only exactly for the given term (optional)
searchType = searchType_example # String | Define search type, assets (default), duplicates (req. owner), lowest_mints (req.owner) (optional)
attributes = attributes_example # String | Filter for assets that have attributes like rarity Common and level 5 (optional)
only = only_example # String | Filter for assets are packs, pfps, rwax supported assets or staked assets (optional)
rwaxSymbol = rwaxSymbol_example # String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token symbol (optional)
rwaxContract = rwaxContract_example # String | Filter by rwax supported assets of a certain token contract (optional)
api_response = api_instance.api_assets_get(term=term, owner=owner, collection=collection, schema=schema, tags=tags, limit=limit, offset=offset, minMint=minMint, maxMint=maxMint, minAverage=minAverage, maxAverage=maxAverage, recent=recent, verified=verified, favorites=favorites, backed=backed, contract=contract, user=user, orderBy=orderBy, exactSearch=exactSearch, searchType=searchType, attributes=attributes, only=only, rwaxSymbol=rwaxSymbol, rwaxContract=rwaxContract)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling NFTDataApi->apiAssetsGet: %s\n" % e)